Let It Go Or Let It Be?

Let It Go Or Let It Be?

Let It Go Or Let It Be? Releasing The Control On Our Thoughts Scott Haber, Writer December 24th, 2017 A common saying pertaining to thoughts is: “let it go.” This saying comes off as action-based, implying necessary effort to rid ourselves, as if we can physically...
You’re Not Doing It Wrong

You’re Not Doing It Wrong

You’re Not Doing It Wrong Removing Evaluation From Our Practice Scott Haber, Writer December 17th, 2017 Ever become discouraged while practicing meditation, as you were convinced you were doing it wrong, and thus incapable of practicing? You’re not alone, it’s a...
Not Taking But Gaining Time

Not Taking But Gaining Time

Not Taking But Gaining Time Investing Our Time To Get More Of It Scott Haber, Writer December 10th, 2017 Taking an extra 5-20 minutes in a already packed day, can seem anything but relaxing. Thus, a lack of time is often cited as a common barrier for beginning a...
Beyond Just Meditation

Beyond Just Meditation

Beyond Just Meditation Learning to Speak The Language of Mindfulness Scott Haber, Writer December 3rd, 2017 In meditation we learn the art of mindfulness – how to engage in the present moment by using our senses to interact with the world around us. We can think...
Storms of Emotion

Storms of Emotion

Storms of Emotion Dealing With The Weather of The Mind Scott Haber, Writer November 19, 2017 Throughout the day we feel a plethora of emotions; it’s human nature to have and feel emotions. Though, akin to the arriving and passing of a storm, our emotions also come and...