MAy Happenings

The month of  mommas & mental health!

The Meditating Dog

March 1st, 2019

May 31st: National meditation day!

May 31st is National Meditation Day! Keep your eyes open for a special “pop up” MeditationWorks session!

Mommas Month

May is not only Mental Health Month but also Mommas Month! Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 12th, and we thought to give back to all you MeditationWorks moms out there by providing some helpful tips on how to be a mindful mom, even during the busiest of weeks:

1) Detroit Moms Blog: How to be a mindful Mom

2) 5 Practical Ways to Be a More Mindful Mom Even on Your Busiest Days

MeditationS of the month 

Two new meditation on our MeditationWorks Anywhere page!

Moving Away From Negativity: Negativity is normal, we’re human. This meditation allows us to acknowledge that, then shifts our focus to positivity, gratefulness and mindfulness.


Spring Sounds: Fall into the naturally soothing sounds of Spring as the backdrop to your mindful breathing.

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

11 + 8 =

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

1 + 14 =

Want meditation at your organization?

Want meditation at your organization?