MARCH Happenings

Spring cleaning our brains + a special announcement

The Meditating Dog

February 1st, 2019

Spring Cleaning…

Our Minds

Ok here’s some food for thought…we always focus on spring cleaning our homes, but never our minds. Maybe this Spring we take some time to clean our brains…wait what? How does one clean their brain? Click here to read more.

Our favorite tip: Take a mindful shower with your eyes closed. Showers, for the most part, become clockwork. Just something that is part of our routine. When do we actually feel and enjoy our showers on a regular basis? We should do that more this Spring.

Live Meditations Open To All

Guess what? Remember that weekly live streaming meditation series we gave a few people early access to a few months back….well, it’s now officially open to the community and you can attend a session!

Sessions for now will be every Wednesday:

Mornings: 7:30 AM, 8:00 AM, and 8:30 AM
Evenings: 7:30 PM and 8:00 PM

Go to this page (and bookmark it) to view the schedule and attend a session 🙂

MeditationS of the month:Escape from Busyness + Rainy Day  

Two new meditation on our MeditationWorks Anywhere page!

Escape From Busyness: Have a lot going on? This meditation allows us to be productive, without always having to feel busy and hectic. 


Rainy Day: Sink into the naturally beautiful and soothing sounds rainfall as the backdrop to your mindful breathing. 

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

8 + 4 =

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

3 + 8 =

Want meditation at your organization?

Want meditation at your organization?