
A few notes on what we are grateful for here at MeditationWorks

The Meditating Dog

November 1st, 2018

What is our team grateful for?

Jake: I am grateful for my team, the people I get to work with. We have such a hard mission to accomplish and without their selflessness and sacrifice- we would never have hundreds of people a week in Detroit meditating. I am very grateful for them!

Liz: My family. When life gets crazy, they are always there for me. I am incredibly grateful to constantly have their love and support.

Justin: I am grateful for the gift of life…To have a body in which to experience an earthly incarnation…I am grateful for health…I am grateful for family…I am grateful for abundance…and I am grateful for enough passion and enthusiasm to get up every day and put some divine energy in action.

Sarah: I’m thankful for the highs and lows. The good, the bad and the beautiful. I’m thankful to have my feet on this Earth and air to breathe.

Joanne: I’m grateful for fall days in Michigan: crisp, fresh air to breathe, red, yellow and orange leaves to see, and Detroit Lions football to watch.

Autumn: I am so grateful and thankful for the love and support of my family. And coffee. 😉

Fran: I’m grateful for wonderful, supportive friends and family who seem to know right when it’s time for a kind word or gesture right when you need a little lift!

Gretchen: I am thankful for my family’s good health and the occasional hugs I receive from our teenaged boys ;-).

Jordan: I’m thankful for the people in my life who inspire me on a daily basis. I’m lucky to have a boyfriend, group of best friends and family who are always supportive and continuously push me to be my best self.

Josh: Two things. One, I’m just grateful to be alive and well. Every day we have a breath on this earth is a magical one. Two, I’m grateful for such a dedicated, strong team. It’s not easy creating a thriving business around something new to the main-stream like meditation. The team I work with truly believes in our mission and they are dedicated day in and day out towards making the world a more mindful place. So much love for them.

ALL OF US: We are FOREVER grateful for all of our meditators who show up each week to not only practice mindfulness and a healthier life, but who also continue to support our business and mission. We will never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for us 🙂

New Meditation of the Month!

Our meditation for the month of November (Yay Thanksgiving!) touches on gratitude and gives us a nice space of silence to let the meditation unfold.

The recording is avaiable over the next month on our MeditationWorks Anywhere page.

A true Detroit meditation success story:

One of our meditators, Tyler, elegantly put into words how meditation has made his life better. “I turned to something I had only surface-level knowledge on and to be honest, was skeptical about – meditation. Little did I know, this tool and practice would be a complete game-changer in many facets of my life…I am a better leader, uncle, brother, son, and overall person.”

Read His Full Story Here

Anxious for the holidays?

Are you always anxious? Or maybe just seasonally in November and December when you know those family gatherings with “that” uncle who always has something to say are fast approaching! Well, there’s a way to get you through those family dinners without slinging mashed potatoes across the table –> Thanksgiving Gratitude.

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional in the Metro Detroit area? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

12 + 10 =

$200 for a Referral!

Know a business owner/manager/HR professional in the Metro Detroit area? We give $200 in cash to anyone who can connect us with a business that participates in our 10-Week Program.

13 + 4 =

Want meditation at your organization?

Want meditation at your organization?