About Me & My Intentions Going Forward

Scott Haber, Writer
October 14, 2017
For the foreseeable future I will be writing and exploring here with my friends at MeditationWorks.
So who am I?
My name is Scott Haber. I am a writer, meditator, yoga practitioner, nature lover, photographer, engineer and traveler. I received my masters in biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan in April 2016. During my time studying engineering, I took 11 semesters of courses on meditation and nature-based mindfulness. I taught meditation, nature-based mindfulness, outdoor fitness, and helped to lead a large student wellness collective. Lastly, I was a recipient of the 2016-2017 Bonderman Fellowship, a fellowship given to 4 graduating students to travel individually to and immerse in non- Westernized regions, for 8 consecutive months in return for them to write about their experience.

What are my intentions for writing here?
I hope I can encourage a more consistent meditation practice, offer my readers ways to apply mindfulness into their day-to-day lives, help parse through questions that have arisen, and portray the importance of other mindful activities, such as being in nature.
In general, I hope to help MeditationWorks participants build on what they are learning in the mobile studio, allowing them to bring mindfulness into more parts of their lives if they wish to do so.
Both the writing and the photography will come from me.
Though I may come off as a teacher, this I am not. I believe the only teachers in life are the experiences one has as one attempts to put the pieces together themselves. No one can put the pieces together for us. Experience is what teaches someone, not the person. I just hope I can support my readers as they attempt to put the pieces together themselves.
If you wish to talk more please email me at scottmha@umich.edu. And if you want to find more information on me or my work please refer to my website ScottHaber.com or my instagram @haberscott.
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